Thursday, July 28, 2011

Way to go Ben

Most of my life I have hated baseball.  It is played during the summer which is stupid because you have to sit in 10303949333223 degree heat to watch the game.  The games take forever and are played at a pace even I can keep up with.  But since my brother-in-law has brainwashed  taught my nephews how to play they have developed a love for the game.  Which means my years of steering my children away from the sport is all for naught.  So to the baseball fields I go.

This year Ben's Illini team won first place in their division.  Yay Ben.  And he made the all star team, but the heat kept me away from that game  : )  We did go to the Grizzlies game to watch Ben get his medal though.  And when I say we I meant 17 of us.  Yes 17 of us were there to watch Ben get his medal.  Ken wasn't able to make it because he had to work.  I am sure his heart was broken because he didn't get to sit in the 100 degree heat and watch a game when he knew NOBODY playing.   But it was fun and I am very proud of my little Bennett.

YAY BEN!!!!!
 Proud dad right here!

Waving to his fans.  Should I get this picture autographed for future fortune?

 I seriously wonder why I go anywhere with these two

 But I will take these two with me anywhere

 Cate could care less about the baseball game.  Maybe she is my kid....

This kid is a punk!  But I love him lots!!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

20th year reunion

Believe it or not I have been out of school for 20 years.  I know, it's hard to believe since I look so incredibly young.  But the sad truth is that 20 years ago I walked across the stage and received my diploma.  And for some reason I have yet to figure out, we feel the need to celebrate the passing of these 20 years with a class reunion.

Our class president didn't have time to plan the reunion so one of my best friends from school decided to take over.  Which meant that I immediately became part of the planning committee.  It was a year long process but I became friends with people I probably wouldn't have if I didn't do this. So for that I am grateful.

This was one of my best friends from high school.  We actually went to grade school together but didn't hang around each other then.  We became friends in Jr. High and had homeroom together all through high school.  This was good and bad.  Good when we were friends.  Bad when we didn't like each other.  Which unfortunately we had alot of those times.  But all is good and we still get together whenever our schedules allow.  Like tomorrow night when we meet for dinner.

 Me, Tanya, and Amy  

 Me and Amy met in study hall.  We had to endure a semester of Mike Parkinson and Chris Glass making fun of each other every day.  We have stuck together ever since. 

 We had a mixer Friday night.  Ken took off work to go with me and I think he ended up having more fun than I did.  He hasn't hung with these girls since high school.  And their stories will never be told to my children  : )

 Everyone hanging out and catching up

 Me, Misty Timko, and Tanya

 Amy and Mike Bryant

Every class has one.  Ours was Brian Bellman.  This is him doing his Elvis impersonation.  He did this in the lip sync our senior year.  Good to know some things never change  : /

Larry Strader pretending he still has hair

Amy, me, and Tanya.  When we hung out, watch out.  

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Last night I got to relive a part of my youth at the New Kids on the Block concert.  That's right.  I was there.  With Ann and my best friend from school Tanya.  It was cool because the Backstreet Boys were there and that is a band from when Ann was a kid.  I know, because I took her and her friend Nathan to see them when they came to the Edward Jones Dome.  So 2 generations watching their favorite boy bands.  And let me say, this was one of the best concerts I have ever been too.  LOVED IT.  I danced all night.

The opening act was Matthew Morrison from Glee.  Mom was very jealous.  She LOVES him.  So I took video for her.

The next couple of videos may be a little shaky but that is because I was dancing.  And there may be a few times when I scream real loud.  Just deal with it  : D  They looked HOT!

This first video was the lead in to Matt Morrison.  The sound isn't great but you get the idea.

Matt Morrison doing his Michael Jackson impression.  Be warned.

This one is pretty long but it is the intro for NKOTBSB.  Yes, that is my screaming  : )

For mom

Since I have to get to work, I will put this picture up for mom until I can load some video!

That's how he rolls

Jon took about 10 years off my life last Saturday, July 16, when he rolled his car.  Unfortunately my worst nightmare happened and Ken and I were in Highland.  I never ever want to get that kind of phone call again.  I am so glad that it was Jenna that called and let me know what was going on.  And even more thankful that my family was in town so they could quickly get to the hospital.  And at the hospital they were.  Mom, Dad, Eileen,  Debbie, Scott, Cody, Ann, Scott, Michelle, and Alina Hillman.  Everyone in the waiting room waiting for word on Jon.  Mom went back with him since I wasn't there.

Walking into that room and seeing him in a neck brace on a backboard was enough to give me a stroke.  He was cut up but that's about it.  The Lord was with him that day and I am so thankful he is safe.  I told the nurse there that they may want to reserve a room because once my shock wore off and I knew he was OK I was probably going to kill him.

 Dumb dog always has to get in the pictures.  

 Seat belt injury. I'm just glad he doesn't take after his dad and was wearing his seat belt.

 Just looking at this hurts me!

 The skid marks. 
 These skid marks were made when he was going sideways down the road.  I can't believe the car didn't come to a stop before it hit the shoulder.

 Where he landed.  Upside down.  All the trash down there came from his truck.  One heck of a way to clean  the truck out if you ask me.

 The family looking for Jon's wallet.  Ken found it in the trees there behind him.  To the right of Cody, in a tree, were my headphones.

The path Jon took

The trees Jon destroyed

At the end of the day Jon is safe.  He is still shaken up, which I am glad for.  At least now he knows what can happen and will be more careful.  At least he better be!!!!

Washington DC

Ann and Cody went with his family a couple of weeks ago to Washington D.C.  His dad is getting ready to leave for Iraq for 6 months so they went there to see him off.  They were there 2 days and they saw more than I thought they would.   The National Archives, Smithsonian, Ford's Theatre, Pentagon Memorial, Lincoln Memorial.  Everytime I talked to her they were somewhere else.  And I am so proud of her.  She took pictures!!!  Not as many as I would have taken but since this is her first time on a real trip without me I will cut her some slack  : )

Since I wasn't there I'm not for sure what the pictures are about, but I will try my best to narrate.

Ann and Cody in front of the White House.  They wanted to get inside and take a tour but since it literally takes an act of Congress to be able to do that they settled for looking at it from the sidewalk.


 The Washington Memorial.

 When I was a kid we went to Washington D.C. and the Smithsonian was one of my favorite places.  The one thing I remember from that trip was the First Lady Inauguration dresses.  And Ann took pictures of them too. We are so much alike  : ) 
This is Helen Taft's dress

Rosalyn Carters dress.  All I can say is ugh.  Who designed this??? She looks better dressed for a party in India.  

Nancy Reagan's dress.  I  just realized that when I went to see these dresses this one wasn't even in there yet.  Wow.

 Michelle Obama's dress

 I love the pop culture stuff they have there

 The Ruby red slippers from the Wizard of Oz

 Furniture from All in the Family.  This picture makes me laugh because I can almost guarantee Ann has never seen this show but took a picture of it anyway.  My only complaint..where are the muppets???

 No clue.  Federal Archive building maybe??

 Pentagon Memorial  : (   The direction the benches are facing represent where they were when they died.  The benches facing the building represent people on the plane, the benches facing away represent the people that were in the building.  
These kind of pictures break my heart

Cute couple

Who died here???

I did!  I did!

The kids had a really good time.  The goodbye's were hard but I am glad to say they all made it home safe.  And poor Glen has yet to leave for Iraq.  There was a mixup with his passport so he came home until it got straightened out.  So another string of goodbyes will be happening soon.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


I am 38 years old now.  It doesn't normally bother me being close to 40 but sometimes that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach hits me and I'm like, OMG I"M OLD.  I remember my dad's 40th birthday party and thinking he was old.  Now I am almost there.  This is just stupid.  I don't feel 40.  Not that I know how 40 feels.  Does a number actually have a feeling?  But I can't change it so I may as well embrace it.

We went to dinner at my moms and I got some awesome gifts.  A birdbath, some garden sculptures.  LOVE THEM.  Eileen sent me a check (yay!) and I was able to purchase this hummingbird from the Melting Pot that I have been wanting.  So a HUGE THANK YOU to Eileen for allowing me to get it.

 Seriously, how cool is this!!!

My new bird bath.  Still working on where I want to put it.  I think I need to clean up some weeds. Stupid weeds.  Why are they the only things I can grow?

I will post pics of the other things I got when I get them to the camper.  

July 4th weekend

We spent the July 4th weekend at the camper.  I know, you can't believe me and Ken went to Cool Creek for the weekend since we never get up there.  But this weekend we tore ourselves away from our home and begrudgingly headed up to Grants Fork.  HAHAHAHAHA.  Now thats funny.  Anyway we got up there Friday and had a relaxing evening playing cards.

Well not very relaxing for me.  I get mad when I don't at least win my money back.  And normally I am the one who wins enough money for us both to get our money back.  Since Ken thinks he knows what he's doing and actually tries, and I have no clue and just throw money on the table, I normally win.  I usually make it to the "big table" while Ken ends up on the porch early.  This time I made it to the big table AGAIN but was out before I won my money back.  But it's all good.  $10 for a nights entertainment.  Can't beat that.

Saturday I got the bright idea to invite some of Ken's family up to the camper for a bbq and fishing.  Having people up to the camper for dinner doesn't bother me at all.  Ken on the other hand wiggs out.  What are we going to eat?  Where are we going to sit?  Will we have enough parking?  What if it's hot?  What if it rains?.....  Dude, chill out.  It always works out ok.  They are adults, they can find places to sit.  That boy needs to learn to relax and go with the flow.  On his grave I want to be able to put "I enjoyed the flow".

I grilled pork steaks that I got from the butcher down the street.  They were delicious.  Then I made some crock-pot corn, baked beans (never ever ever done that before) and cucumber salad.  Nothing fancy but hey, I stay in a camper.

The weather was hot hot hot hot hot.  Luckily we were able to find a small breeze and it kept us cooled off a little.  Just a wee little bit.  And we had a fan.  By we I mean Uncle Terry because he sat right in front of it the whole time.  Can't blame him because it was HOT!  Did I mention that already?

Ken's fishing poles.  Why do we have so many you ask?  Well, I ask the same question.  How many can you fish with at one time?

 And he went to Walmart to buy a new one.  Seriously.....can't you just fix the ones you have.  What about a stick, some string, and a hook.  Worked for our pioneer fathers.  Should work for us. 

 Old men sitting around the fan telling stories.  

 Wait wait wait... can you feel it?  I think a breeze just came thru.  Don't leave that spot.  Stay right there.  ahhhhhhh that's what I'm talking about.

 I think the picnic table is like the kitchen at home.  Everyone gathers there.  Maybe because it was the coolest spot around.  A breeze was blowing off the fields behind us.  Or maybe it was because there was seating even though only one person was sitting down.  Or maybe......well, who knows.

 The Duke's

After everyone left Saturday evening we headed to the big lake.  There Tom put on a huge fireworks show.  And I'm not talking bottlerockets and smoke bombs.  I am talking huge, people come from all over town to watch, fireworks.  The show lasted almost 35 minutes.  We sat by our friends Larry and Marty and just had a wonderful time.  Then we went back to the camper and talked till about 11.  Can we party or what.

We stuck around for a while Sunday and ended up sitting thru a pretty wicked storm.  The wind came out of nowhere and for a minute I thought we would were about to head to Oz.

That would be my seat cushion.  It was in pretty bad shape so the though of getting a new one doesn't freak me out as much as the fact that it is sitting in the bottom of the pond right now. Oops.  The wind came out of nowhere.  Everything started flying around.  For a minute I thought I saw a woman and her dog fly by on her bike.
 Rain.  Lots of Rain.  The verse "and the rain came down and rivers came up" kept going thru my mind.

 I love sitting on our porch during a rain storm.  The sound on the roof is extremely relaxing.  Then whoosh, gust of wind makes all the rain come into the porch and the next thing I know I am wet.  I run inside and Ken just gives me that "you are so fruit" look.  I get it often.  Haven't quite figured out why.  Like I knew I was going to get wet during a storm.  
Old Glory flapping in the wind

After dinner at mom's I went to the park with the family to watch the fireworks.  Debbie's family was at one spot and Jen's was at another.  After walking back a forth a couple of times I ended up the Eileen and Ed and some Duke's.  Plus Jen, Allan, and my nieces.  Harper makes me the laugh the entire time.  That girl doesn't quit.

 Walking to the field I caught sight of some sky divers.  That would be so cool, but parasailing freaked me out.  I can't imagine falling from a plane.

 Little Miss Cate

 For some reason Brady always gives me a look that screams "I am too cool to be seen with you".

 Everybody else has pics of Ann and Cody smiling and being normal.  I get the true pictures.

 Harper getting ready for some fireworks

 Delaney in her super cool glasses

