Sunday, October 30, 2011

Notre Dame

Thanks to our dear friend Peg, we were Notre Dame bound this weekend.  Peg is the mother of Eileen's neighbor and a Notre Dame season ticket holder for the past 40 years.  She found out Ken is a huge Notre Dame fan so for the past few years has been giving Ken 3 tickets to a game.  Normally he goes with his friends from work, but since they couldn't go he let me and Jon go.  Jon was SO excited.  We went to the college a few years ago for a hockey tournament but it was nothing like it was Saturday.  The atmosphere on college game day is something everyone should experience at least once.

 Getting ready to head to the school.  Parking cost $25 and the parking lot was 2 miles away!!!  There was a shuttle so we hitched a ride to the school.
 Tailgating!  This was the scene all over the area.

 Touchdown Jesus!!  This is actually the school library.  Inside is absolutely beautiful.

 Ken and Jon soaking it all in.  

 The Basilica and Golden Dome.  The statue of Mary on the top of the dome is made of solid gold.
Jon in front of the dome.  The grounds of the school are amazingly wonderful.
 Notre Dame war memorial

Different clubs from the college had food stands around the campus.  They sold everything from hot dogs and brats to steak sandwiches.  We supported the figure skating team  : )

 Ken and Jon in front of Jesus

 Hey!!!  Get back on the Lucky Charms box!!!

 The bagpipe corp.  We didn't get to hear them play but is there anything cooler than a man in a kilt?

 So vibrant!

 Before every game the team attends mass.  As the team walks into the church, the fans line up to cheer them on.  The team is dressed in their Sunday best and look so professional.

 As we were visiting the crypt in the basement of the Basilica it started to hail.  Ken ventured out to see if was close to passing over and I made him wait outside until I could snap this picture.  This is his response.  On the table behind him were souvenirs being sold.  Jon had to run out in the hail a couple of times to help them cover them back up.  Poor guy got nailed by the hail but his help was much appreciated.

 Holy Hail!!!

 The grotto.  It was designed after the one at Lourdes.

David Robinson is in the yellow jacket.  Apparently he played in the NBA.  He was a Navy guy there for the game.  And he is tall.  Stats have him at 7'1.  Wow.

 Inside the Basilica.  The team is up front having mass.  I was in the back taking pictures.  Is that wrong?

 Next time I am sooo getting a ride!

 SIUE bookstore doesn't look like this.  The bookstore is unbelievable. 

 Economic analysts need to spend a Saturday in the bookstore.  They would have to reset all their predictions.  Peg said about 10 years ago they were pulling in $1 million every game day.  I guarantee they make more than that now.

 Ken contributing to the $1 million plus.  We can never have to many Notre Dame clothes.

 An hour before the game part of the band plays a concert on the steps of Bond Hall.  They play a sample of their half time show.  They sounded wonderful and I couldn't believe how many people stand around listening.

 After the band plays, the drum corps performs.  They were awesome!  Dancing around having a grand time. I can't put into words how cool this is to see in person.

 Ken, Peg, and Jon in front of the Lou Hotz statue and field entrance.  Jon fell in love with Peg.  She had more energy than the three of us put together!

 How cool to score a touchdown in front of this.

Navy in the house!!!!!

The Irish Guard leading the band in.  Each member must be 6'2" and meet other requirements.  

The band playing the fight song!  The marching band sounded great.  And their halftime show was fabulous.  One piece they did was from the movie Top Gun.  They formed a fighter jet and actually had smoke come out of one of Irish Guards spear things.  It was soooo cool.

F-18 flyover.  I love these!  Two of the pilots were Notre Dame alumni and two were from the Naval Academy.  They were brought out on the field in the third quarter and everyone gave them a standing ovation.

 The leprechaun is everywhere!

 80,000 people attended the game.  I have never been around that many people at one time.  But there was no chaos whatsoever.  When I looked at the crowd all I could think of was the old video games and how the crowd in them used to look.  I don't know why, but that is what this reminded me of.

This isn't a great picture, but I was trying to show how after every Notre Dame touchdown the students would pick someone up and bench press them for every point they had.  By the end of this game those kids had to be tired.  It is also the tradition that they stand the entire game.  Yeesh.

That's alot of push ups!

The Irish Guard doing an Irish jig.


Happy Birthday Ann!

Ann turned 20 this week.  I can finally say I survived the teenage years.  YAY ME!!  Thankfully Ann has been an awesome kid so I can't say I have any horror stories from the past 7 years.  I would post a picture of her form her birthday but I have rarely seen her the past week.  Since her soccer team is still going strong she has had practice every day and has been working almost every night.  Plus hanging with Cody and their friends means she is never home.

We had a party for her at Pizza World Wednesday, which she was late for, so we were able to spend a little bit of time with her.

So Happy 20th Birthday Ann!!!  Wishing you many many more!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Were in it to win it!!!!

Were in it to win it.  Next week we will be heading to North Carolina for Nationals!  Congratulations!!  

So read the text message Coach Hogan sent to the girls soccer team today.  After years and years of hard work and wishes Ann's soccer team has made the National Tournament!!  She was so excited today she could barely speak.  

When she transferred to Lindenwood University we had no expectations at all regarding the team.  Last year, the first year of the girls soccer program, they went 4-9.  After just one season they turned it around to end with a 9-5 record.  In the coaches poll they are ranked 6th in the nation!  I am so  proud of all the girls and how they handled themselves.  Ann has had the best year and is absolutely loving playing soccer again.  

I was planning on going to Disneyworld with my sister in January so we have been saving money for that.  Luckily, because now we have money socked away so me and Ken can make the journey.  North Carolina here we come!!!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Apple Butter

We decided to make apple butter to try and raise money for the Old Six Mile Museum.  As a kid my family made apple butter with our church and friends every year.  It has been quite some time since we have done this but dad thought it would be a great idea.  And I have to agree that it was.  The kids loved helping and it turned out to be a great time.

There is a lot of work in making apple butter.  We made it over an open fire in a big copper kettle.  The kettle we used has been a home for some of dads plants for quite a few years so he had some cleaning to do this week.

Thursday night Jon, Ben, Brady, mom, dad, and me went to mom and dads and peeled apples.  5 bushels.  Which is roughly 500 apples.  That's right, we peeled 500 apples in a little over 3 hours.  And the boys did great.  Ben and Brady just loved doing it.  They worked hard the entire time.  Jon did a great job too.  He was a steady, cranking machine.

 Hardest working boys ever

 Even Debbie got in the game for a bit.  But then Cate had dance class and away they went.

 With 3 peelers there was no fighting between the boys.  Small miracles make me happy  : )

Cate tried to help while she was there.  At least for a minute.  Then she heard her "baby's" cry and she had to take them for a walk

After the apples are peeled the peels get cooked down to make juice for the next day.  This was mom and dads job.  Needless to say, their kitchen smelled very appley.  (yes I know this isn't a word.  Deal)
 Plus this
 Equals bright red apple juice

 To clean a copper kettle all you need is vinegar, salt, and elbow grease

 And it gets all shiny.  Which in turn makes Cody's mouth water because he knows the cost of copper these days.  Mom has to constantly tell him "don't touch"!

The fire needs to be nice and hot before you put the kettle on

 The spice bag goes between the apples.  In this magic bag are lemons, cinnamon sticks, and star of anice.  It smells delish!

 The first step is to pour the juice that was made the night before into the kettle.  Get this boiling before the apples are added.

Put half the apples in the kettle, then the spice bag, then the other half of the apples.  Wet a large sheet and cover the apples.  
Make sure the apples are covered good.  They will need to steam for about an hour.  Our instructions said to keep the sheet on until you couldn't touch the top because it was so hot but that never happened.  After a while we said enough was enough and started stirring.

The reason there are kids in the background is because the Old Six Mile Community Garden works with the kids from Worthen Elementary school.  They came over today to learn the process of making homemade apple butter and also to plant fruit trees.  Jim and Sharon Parker donated a fruit tree for each class.  The master gardener from the park district came and instructed them how to plant and care for these trees.  The kids were very excited.  They came back in the afternoon while we were stirring and got to taste the applebutter.  They loved it so we will be taking jars to them Monday.

 The stirring begins.  Tim Streid came over in the morning to help get the fire started.  Dad didn't let him leave until he took his turn stirring.

Ann spent the day stirring the pot.  Literally.  She worked really hard and seemed to enjoy it.  It was pretty windy so we had the table blocking the wind so the fire wouldn't die down.  Once you start stirring you can't stop or else it will burn.  We took turns all day stirring.  I think we had to stir about 3 1/2 hours before it was finished.  Once all the apples were broke up we added the sugar.  We ended up adding 25 pounds.  The amount of sugar depends on the sweetness of the apples.  Then keep stirring until you put some applebutter on a plate, whole it straight up, and if no water comes out it's done.  Scientific I know.

 I think Ann likes it  : )

 Mom trying to decide if it is time to can it.  Ben and Brady and their friend Tyler came over after school to help with the canning.  We thought it was going to take quite a few hours to get it finished but it was done way sooner than expected.  Mom thinks it was because the apples were cut thinner which allowed them to break up faster.  I didn't care what the reason was.  I was happy.

 Ben and Mom ladled the applbutter into the jars.  Me and Brady wiped them off.  Ann put the hot rings on them and Lindsey and Tyler screwed the lids on.  Ken and Cody were the muscle and had to tighten the jars and take them away.  It was a whole family affair.

 Scraping the bottom of the kettle to make sure it was all out.  

And that's a wrap. 

We got really lucky with the weather.  I remember as a child being out at Holiday Harvest freezing to death while we did this.  Or in the rain.  But today was great and the kids really enjoyed it.  This will be something they remember for a long time.