Epcot ended up being one of the kids favorite parks. I was a little surprises by this but we did have a great time. The kids love "Test Track" but me and Ann didn't go on it. Ann couldn't ride it and I didn't want to leave her by herself we we just walked around with Deb, Scott, and Cate. It was very relaxing.
Mom told me before I left I had to go see the Seeds of Life. It was a ride through one of Disney's experimental gardens. It was extremely interesting. The food they harvest here gets used in their restaurants.
They are experimenting with techniques to grow food in crowded spaces.
The kids waiting for Turtle Talk with Crush. This was by far my favorite show at Epcot. Crush from Finding Nemo would interact with the kids. Carter got to ask him a question and I think Debbie was holding her breath to hear what he was going to ask. But he did good. I would recommend this show to anyone.
I can never understand why they make these holes so big. Nobody has a head this big.
Cate and Alice in Wonderland
Ann showcasing her Moroco look.
Cates "Beast" look
I enjoyed my time at Epcot. My favorite thing to do was the "Soarin" attraction. It simulated a hanglider soaring over California. We could feel the breeze in our face, smell the orange groves, and felt that at any moment we could soak our feet in the ocean. It was such a cool experience.
All week Ann and I had the same food. We had chicken nuggets, ceasar salad or pizza. So when we went into the world showcase we thought for sure we were going to be able to eat something different. No can do. After deciding against fish and chips and realizing the price of food at the nations restaurants, we headed to the American Experience for pizza and salad. We are pathetic.
A marathon of a week has come to a close. We visited all the parks and saw everything we possible could. It was a wonderful week and now we need a vacation to recover from our vacation