This year our Easter was a little different. Normally our family goes to church then spends the rest of the day running from one parents house to the other. This year Ken had to work, we weren't going to Ken's families house, and we weren't going to my moms till 5:00pm. What to do??? At first I thought Ann would be going to Cody's after church so it would just be me and Jon so I planned on taking him to lunch and the zoo. I was then told by Ann that if I even think of going to the zoo without her she would never let me take Trevor there. Sooooo I was going to have to come up with some other idea. Then Cody's family said they weren't eating until 6:00pm so Ann and Cody joined us at the zoo.
Jon and I went to church Sunday morning with Cody and his family. They belong to Central Christian and that is where Ann has been going the last year. After the service we went out to lunch then headed to the zoo. The weather was perfect and we had a great time.
This is normally how we all feel after spending a few hours with Cody : )
Trevor's first trip to the zoo. Think he will remember it?
Did you know hippos kill more people every year than sharks?
Believe it or not, Ann was yelling at Jon
So glad my kids love each other!!
In case you were asking, yes these two make me tired
Give the poor thing a leaf already
Look, Ken showed up! He actually got to eat dinner with the family. As you can see, he was thrilled.
Miss Cate trying the sabotage the Hillbilly Golf Game.
Jon saved the day and got the balls back. Yay Jon!!!
Another crazy holiday!!! Hope yours was as nice as ours!