Sunday, November 18, 2012

Mirror Mirror on the wall

Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the sweetest, cutest, best baby of all???

Why it's Trevor of course!

Grandpa gets a little tired holding his buddy

Not quite ready for prime time

Happy Halloween

 Ken and Jon worked very hard carving his pumpkin.  Usually Ken doesn't like to be bothered with this holiday but since it was Trevor's first one, he went all out.

 Trevor was a very tired tiger!

 Ann was supposed to get a picture of me with my cat ears and Trevor in his cat outfit but she is a terrible photographer!

 The sweetest veggie ever!

Best buds

Sectional Meet

Jon made it to sectionals in Cross Country his first year running.  I personally think that is a huge accomplishment and am very proud of how hard he worked this year.  Unfortunately the meet was in Bloomington, IL the Saturday after Mr. Warrior.  The school bus was leaving after school so Ken and I drove him up there after Mr. Warrior.  That way we could sleep in and Jon could still hang with the guys that night.

All I can say about the meet is "my word there were alot of kids running".   This shot actually reminds me of a puzzle Grandpa Joe did once.

I think I got as much exercise as Jon did.  First we ran here, then we had to run there, then run back here.  I was EXHAUSTED by the end!

 Ken giving his "great job son" speech

Greg is the schools top runner.  After the meet he didn't think that he made it to state and he was very upset,  but it ended up that he made it in the last open spot.  

Thursday, November 8, 2012

 Jon was nominated by the Spirit Club to participate in Mr. Warrior.  I wish my pictures would have turned out better but the lighting was horrible.  Stupid!

He had to be a cartoon character (Johnny Bravo), do a talent (he danced to Navy) the formal wear.  And he did GREAT!!!!  I was so proud of him.  He really went out of his comfort zone for this one.  He had to film a commercial and perform in front of all the lunch groups.  He was a nervous wreck the whole week but he pulled it off and made it look easy.

 Of course all his fans were there!!!  He could have won just based on the number of people who came to watch him!  He is so blessed to have such a great support team!

 Of course Deb and Jen had to fight over who got to hold Trevor.  

 Jon and Brooke

 Jon and Haley

All the contestants.  He didn't win but he said he had a really good time.  And that is all that matters!

Pumpkin Patch with my Punkin

 We took a short trip to Relleke's Pumpkin Farm to get Trevor a pumpkin for Halloween.  As you can see he was extremely impressed......

 Such a big boy! He is
almost sitting up by himself.  And in case you were wondering, yes he did throw up all over this pumpkin  : )

 He was hiding his smiles today  : (

 One of Ann's oldest friends, Whitney, was at the farm with her daughter so she got to play with Trevor for a little bit.  Trevor was trying to flirt with her daughter.

 Isn't this the truth!

Stubborn child

Here We Go

I have a months worth of posting to do since I haven't been able to find my camera card.  So sit down, get cozy, and get ready to enter to crazy world of the Wojtowicz's.

First I will start with Jon's Cross Country Regional match in Edwardsville.  It was a long time ago so I can't remember the date.  All I really remember was having NO idea where the track was and spent a large amount of time driving around the SIUE campus trying to find a bunch of runners.  Thankfully Jen answered her phone and got me to the place I needed to be!  Thanks Jen!

 Jon has made quite a few new friends because of Cross Country.  He may not like running but he did seem to enjoy the season.  I just wish he would have started as a freshman like me and his dad told him to : D
 Coach Skirball is probably one of the best coaches either of my kids have had at the high school.  He is so energetic and really loves this sport.  Jon appreciated that when he asked the kids to run, he was right there running with them.  That makes a good leader in my eyes.

 The starting line is mind boggling.

 Let's go Jon!!!

 Strong finish, strong finish!!!!!!!

 YAY Jon!!!!

 Jon and his buddy Chris

This was the first time the school had a Special Education student on the team.  He always ran in the fun runs after the meets but he was at all the practices trying his best.  Coach Skirball said that people thought he was crazy for letting him join, but I think it helped the boys as well as him.  One match I was at he was at the very back of the pack and all the boys ran up to him and ran with him to cheer him on.  And that is what being on a team is all about.