The ceremony took place in the Performing Arts Center. They called each kid up to the stage where the nominating teacher gave them a medal and the MC read aloud the reason the teacher nominated them. Many kids were chosen for a lot of different reasons. I liked it because it just wasn't the smart kids that were recognized. There were a few special needs students who got chosen and you could tell it meant a lot to them. I have a great respect for the teachers who called out these students and made them feel like they are an important piece of the school.
"Jon is a very fine student and I am fortunate to have gotten to know him for the past year and a half. He is always on-task when given a project and takes the extra effort to create the work-pieces correctly and efficiently. Attendance, punctuality, and project completion seem simply routine to him when for others it takes effort. Any teacher would love to have a class full of Wojo's. Jon will be leaving in June for the U.S. Navy. Thanks Jon, for your commitment in fighting for our freedom!"
Jon will get a Personal Choice Certificate with a picture of him and Mr. Jones. He will also wear this medal with his cap and gown on Graduation Day.
Jon and his bfffffffff Brooke. She was nominated by Mrs. Prazma for being super awesome too!!
Once again I will mention that Jon has had a super duper Senior Year. I cannot be happier or more proud of him!
P.S. the auditorium is a terrible place to take pictures!!!!
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