Another rainy day, another day at the camper. And this time we had the family up for lunch. Butch, Jen, Delaney, Harper, Ann, and Cody joined Ken, Jon, and me at the camper. I was afraid it was going to rain the whole time and the girls would be stuck on the porch all day but we got lucky. After a wonderful lunch of kabobs, crockpot corn, green bean casserole, salad, and Ravenelli's bread we were able to fish and hunt Easter eggs. I am calling the day a success. Because I can.
Fishing with Uncle Kenny

I love Delaney's face in this picture. She is so excited she caught a fish!
Yea Delaney! She was the only one to catch a fish.
Hunting for Easter eggs. I will admit this is a tradition I don't understand at all. Why do we hide and seek eggs? And why eggs? Why not little cows or lambs. And why is a rabbit supposed to hide them? And why do kids get candy? Don't we already have a candy holiday? Just some random thoughts I have every single time I see plastic eggs.
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