Sunday, November 13, 2011

North to Carolina we go!

Ann finally got her wish and made the National Championship for a team she played on.  For the past month she has been so excited and ready to play.  And because the championship was going to be held in North Carolina I was just as excited.

For the past couple of months Ken and I have been putting money aside so I can go to Disneyworld in January.  We were not planning on taking this trip but because Ken squirreled away some money we were able to.  And yes, I sacrificed my Disney trip to watch my daughter play soccer.

So to NC we went.  I let it be known quite clearly that if I was giving up my trip I am going to make sure this one is awesome!  And it was.  The weather was gorgeous and because all Ann's games were at 12:00 we had the morning and afternoon/evening to do stuff.  Love it!!  AND because she didn't make the championship (boo for her....KINDA boo for me).... I was able to spend all of Saturday in the Smokey Mountain National Park.  I had one of the best days I have had in a long time.  I came back so relaxed and ready to take on the world.

In the park where Ann played there was an Animal Park.  Or a real little zoo.  Whatever you want to call it.  It cost $8.00 per person and there was about 20 different animals.  Makes me appreciate my zoo.  However, because the zoo was small, the animals were really close and the setting was wonderful.

 I LOVE River Otters.  And this one loves me!

Team Jacob!!!

 This is the field where Ann played.  My favorite soccer field ever!

 Ann may have had a rough game.  I was really proud of how hard she played.  She left everything she had out on the field.  And after the game it showed.  Her knee was bloody, her leg wrapped in ice, and she had a really bad attitude. Ken's best friend Todd showed up at the game with his wife so we all took Ann to dinner at 12 Bones Barbecue.  Yes, I would recommend this place to anyone.  The smoked potato salad was delish!

This is the butt of Nora.  The sweeper for Lindenwood.  Why is she standing on the sidelines during the second game?  Because she got into a fight in the first game and had to sit out Fridays game.  Crazy girl.  And I was busy talking and totally missed it!!!  

After Ann's game Friday, when we knew they weren't making the championship game, Ken and I headed to Tennessee.  We took the scenic route and stayed in a town called Townsend right outside the park.  They call their town the "quiet side of the Smokies".   We stayed in a little motel Ken found on the Internet.  For being built in the style of motels of the 60's, it turned out to be really nice.  We could hear the river that was across the street and the room was super clean.

Ken sitting outside our room waiting for me to pick where we were going to go for dinner.  We (I) picked this little restaurant across the street.  It was very quaint with good food and a fiddle and guitar player providing our dinner entertainment.   Nothing like eating dinner and listening to "May the circle be unbroken, by and by Lord by and by"  Of course, for a split second, the music to Deliverance came to mind.

 Driving thru the park, these are the scenes you will encounter.  We would pull to the side of the road and soak the beauty in

 Does this scream Thomas Kincaid to anyone else?

 Look close.  See the black figure inside the trees.  ITS A BEAR!!!  I love bears.  Love love love them.  Last time we came here we didn't see any so I was convinced that the park was just teasing me about having any.  But this time, sure enough, there they were.  Yay me!!  I was so excited.  It was actually a mother bear and 2 cubs.  Which is why I didn't get great pictures.  Call me crazy, but I really didn't want to tick off mamma. So I stood back and loved my life.

 I think I take a picture of this every time I see it  : )

 Trying out the timer on my camera.

 Cades Cove is a area in the park the until a few decades ago was inhabited by the families of the founders of the area.  The gov't bought the land and added it to the park.  You can drive through the area and see some of original houses and churches.  It is a beautiful drive and well worth the visit.

 Wild Turkeys

 In Cades Cove is a working grist mill.  They corn they grind there is just for show but I found it very interesting how cornmeal was originally made.

 There was  a demonstration going on on how to make molasses.  The horse walked in circles powering a machine that stripped the sugar cane (??) out of its husk.  Then they would boil it and do whatever it is they do.   I have never seen this done before so I found it very interesting.

 Mule deer

This waterfall was on the side of the road. Ken wanted to get closes, but since there was a river separating us from it, I told Ken it would probably be a good idea just to look at it from where we were.

Another road side attraction.  While we were standing there some kayakers came floating down.  I was really hoping to see them try and take these rocks but the big wimps got out of the kayaks and walked past this area.  Big babies.  What is a couple of broken ribs.  Seriously...

1.3 miles.  Not bad for a hike to see a waterfall.  And the brochure listed the trail as easy.  So let's go....Wait..why is this trail going straight up?  This isn't easy.  What do you mean easy means the trail is paved, not necessarily flat.  How far up do I have to walk??  What is going on here????  False advertising..who do I sue???  I can't breathe.  My legs hurt.  Are we there yet?  What is happening!!!!!!!!

I walked so high I think I touched the sun.  

 Remember when we were at the bottom of the mountain??

 The walk was worth it!

For someone who hates ledges (me) this sign scared me more than anything!

We had a wonderful trip and I am really hoping Ann makes it to Nationals next year also!  I am excited to report that the boys team won Nationals this year.  Ann was really glad she got to be there cheering on their team!

And in case you were stressing out about me missing my Disney trip, don't worry.  I was able to come up with some money so it is back on!!!  I am seriously loving my  life right now!