Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hanging at home

Ken gets mad at me because everytime I take a picture of him and Trevor they are laying down on the couch.  I nicely told him the reason for that is because that is all he does  : D  

Grandpa can't get enough of this guy.   
Nor can Jon
 Believe it or not, there are moments when he is not being held.  Those moments don't last long, but they do exist.  He likes his swing for about 10 minutes then he realizes that there isn't another human right next to him so he screams and we all come running.  

 Trevor is getting a little more alert.  Grandpa is trying to get him to burp, which is not an easy task.  This is one stubborn kid!

Hello World!
One thing I have learned about Trevor's personality is that he is a scream first think later kind of kid.  When any changes happen, i.e. getting moved, changing a diaper, bath, he immediately starts crying.  Then he realizes that situation isn't that bad and calms down.  Until we move him again.

 At first he was having nothing to do with bath time. 

Then he decided it wasn't that bad

 Then mom washed his hair and he was mad again.

 Then he was ok.

See, not so bad

 Until mom tried figuring out this hooded towel contraption.  Which needs to come with an instruction manual because she screwed it all up!

 Snug as a bug

Bedtime???  Who is ready to go to sleep?   

Just hangin' with my pal Mickey

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