Wednesday, August 1, 2012

And we wait

Monday, July 30th, Ann was admitted to Anderson Hospital to be induced.  We went to dinner with Cody's parents to Cracker Barrel then we all headed to the hospital.  Ken and the Rivenburgh's left after Ann got settled into her room and Cody and I hunckered down for the night.  And what a long night it was!!!

 Ann still looking happy.  Since she hadn't dilated very much they had to get her cervix softened first.  So the first couple of hours she just laid around playing on her phone.

 Jen came to see Ann and brought her "sassy" girls along.  Since they weren't allowed in the room, I sat in the waiting room with them and was very entertained!

 Cody brought his playstation to keep himself occupied.  This worked great for Ann and I because we were able to watch the Olympics without hearing a word out of him!

 Ann letting us know that there is monitor wrapped around her belly and that she really isn't that fat!

 The contractions started around 12:30am.  Right when we fell asleep.  They weren't very bad but Ann was so tired she didn't have the energy to deal with them.

 Cody trying to be the good guy and timing her contractions

 After a while the contractions got to much for her.  Around 4:30 they gave her an epidural and it was all easy peasy from there on out.

After they started the patocin (sp) the babies blood pressure dropped.   So the nurses spent the next few hours moving her around and put her on oxygen to get his heartbeat back up.  But after the first scare, things went well.  But I was a nervous wreck from there on out!

 Ann did great the entire time.  She didn't get any sleep, but she held her own.  
The grandparent anxiously waiting
And here we go!!!!  

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