Monday, April 11, 2011

A Crazy Week

On Tuesday Jon had a very important volleyball game against Edwardsville.  He HATES Edwardsville, so I really think this was one of the most important games of his life.  And he won!!!!!!  He actually did great.  To say he was floating on air is an understatement.  I haven't seen that kid that happy in a long time.

On Wednesday Cody participated in the Mr. Warrior contest.  This is a little like Miss America but much much worse.  My camera died at the very beginning so I wasn't able to get pictures of Cody doing his "talent" but I will try to explain.  Cody has no talent except for scrapping metal.  So Jon let him borrow his keyboard, the one with the prerecorded music, and Uncle Joe let him borrow his neck harmonica holder.  Cody "played" Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the keyboard and blew into the harmonica in sync to the song.  As he did with "If your happy and you know it clap your hands", which the entire audience did.  For his encore, heaven help us, he sang "when the saints go marching in".  And as an FYI, he can't sing either.  If I can get a copy of a video I will be bringing it to all family functions!  But I will leave you with a picture of his superhero costume.  He was Captain Slapshot.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious!! Cody's costume should have been "Crappy Scrappy!". Aren't you glad Annie's boyfriend wants to scrap metal for a living?!?!?!
